Fig. 1.
A: rectified electromyographic (EMG) values of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii from a single participant throughout one full revolution of arm cycling. The 1 denotes the 6 o'clock position, where the elbow is flexing and the biceps brachii is active, and 2 occurs during elbow extension, when the biceps brachii is relatively inactive. Averaged EMG activity of the biceps brachii (B) and triceps brachii (C) throughout arm cycling at varying cadences is shown. The dashed, light gray lines represent cycling at 30 rpm; dark, solid gray lines, cycling at 60 rpm; and black solid lines are cycling at 90 rpm. Each crank position represents 8.3% of a full cycling revolution. EMG rectified averages were normalized to the largest EMG elicited between the three different cadences.