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. 2015 Oct 19;19:368. doi: 10.1186/s13054-015-1084-5

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of Caucasians in FACTT with genotype data (n = 307)

Characteristic No AKIa Stage 1 AKIa Stage 2 or 3 AKIa
n = 176 (57.3 %) n = 99 (32.3 %) n = 32 (10.4 %)
Age, mean years +/− SD 50.4 +/− 14.6 49.9 +/− 16.3 48.8 +/− 16.1
Male gender 48.9 % 52.5 % 62.5 %
Primary ALI risk factor, n (%)
Aspiration 30 (17.1 %) 20 (20.2 %) 2 (6.3 %)
Multiple transfusions 2 (1.1 %) 2 (2.0 %) 0
Pneumonia 81 (46.0 %) 46 (46.5 %) 11 (34.4 %)
Sepsis 30 (17.1 %) 21 (21.2 %) 17 (53.1 %)
Trauma 17 (9.7 %) 6 (6.1 %) 1 (3.1 %)
Other 16 (9.1 %) 4 (4.0 %) 1 (3.1 %)
APACHE III score, mean +/− SDb 84.4 +/− 25.2 98.8 +/− 30.4 117.4 +/− 26.3
Randomization arm, n (%)
PAC/fluid liberal 47 (26.7 %) 30 (30.3 %) 11 (34.4 %)
PAC/Fluid 43 (24.4 %) 17 (17.2 %) 11 (34.4 %)
Conservative CVC/fluid 39 (22.2 %) 26 (26.3 %) 8 (25.0 %)
Liberal CVC/fluid 47 (26.7 %) 26 (26.3 %) 2 (6.3 %)
Vasopressor usec 55 (31.3 %) 35 (35.4 %) 19 (59.4 %)
Patient location 86 (48.9 %) 58 (58.6 %) 19 (59.4 %)
MICU SICU 21 (11.9 %) 9 (9.1 %) 0
MICU/SICU 41 (23.3 %) 23 (23.2 %) 4 (12.5 %)
Trauma 16 (9.1 %) 6 (6.1 %) 6 (18.8 %)
Other 12 (6.8 %) 3 (3.0 %)
Baseline creatinined, mg/dl (SD) 0.9 (0.4) 1.4 (0.6) 2.1 (1.2)

aAcute kidney injury (AKI) study definitions: no AKI = <0.3 mg/dl and <50 % increase in serum creatinine (SCr); stage 1 AKI = > =0.3 mg/dl and > = 50 % increase in SCr; stage 2 or 3 AKI = >100 % increase in SCr. bMissing acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) score for 9 patients, 5 five patients, and patients with no AKI, stage 1 and 2 or 3 AKI, respectively. cVasopressor use in the 24 h before Fluid and Catheter Treatment Trial (FACTT) enrollment. dBaseline creatinine based on average SCr in the 24 h before enrollment in FACTT. ALI acute lung injury, PAC pulmonary artery catheter, CVC central venous catheter, MICU medical intensive care unit, SICU surgical intensive care unit