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. 2015 Aug 27;15(9):21054–21074. doi: 10.3390/s150921054
Algorithm 1 Algorithm of SS
Input: An input image I with height H and width W
Output: The final saliency map S
  1: sumSal = Zeros(H,W); k = 0;
  2: for scale = 1 to s do
  3:   for each CIELAB color channel do
  4:     k = k + 1
  5:     Set width or height of image border as δ = scale;   
  6:     Associate all pixels in the four borders with a strength of one;
  7:     Iterate using Equations (3) and (4) until each pixel Pi keeps an unchanged strength S(Pi);
  8:     Get a full-field saliency map salMap[k], each pixel Pi of which is assigned with the saliency value 1 − S(Pi);
  9:     sumSal = sumSal + salMap[k];
  10:  end for
  11: end for
  12: S = L2Normalization(sumSal);