Figure 5.
Seven weeks after the genital challenge female mice were caged with male breeder mice and their pregnancy status was followed in fertility studies. Mice that became pregnant were euthanized and the number of embryos was counted in each uterine horn. (a, c, e) Percentage fertile mice in the left, right and both uterine horns, respectively; (b, d, f) number of embryos in the left, right and both uterine horns, respectively. aP < 0·05 by the Fisher's Exact test when compared with the corresponding ovalbumin or minimal essential medium (MEM) -immunized negative control groups. bP > 0·05 by the Fisher's Exact test when compared with the fertility control group. cP < 0·05 by the Mann–Whitney U-test when compared with the corresponding ovalbumin- or MEM-immunized negative control groups. dP > 0·05 by the Mann–Whitney U-test when compared with the positive control elementary body (EB) -immunized group. eP > 0·05 by the Mann–Whitney U-test when compared with the fertility control group.