Fig. 4. Multivariate brain-behavioral relationship analyses.
This figure shows large-scale neural systems where all speech vs rest fMRI response covaries with multivariate behavioral patterns of variation in language ability measured at intake and outcome time-points. Partial least squares correlation analysis highlighted one significant brain-behavioral latent variable pair (LV1; d = 73.90, p = 0.031; 29.60% covariance explained) and the strength of brain-behavioral relationships for LV1 are shown in panels A–B, while the voxels that most robustly express such relationships are shown in panels C–D. Panel A depicts the directionality of brain-behavioral relationships for hot colored brain regions in panels C–D, while panel B depicts the directionality of brain-behavioral correlations for cool colored brain regions in panels C–D. Within the bar plots in panels A–B, bars are stratified by language measure (Mullen Expressive (EL) or Receptive (RL) language or Vineland Communication), and by the developmental time-point at which they were measured (e.g., intake or outcome assessment). Error bars indicate the 95% confidence intervals estimated from bootstrapping (10,000 resamples). The coloring of the bars indicate different groups (red = TD; green = LD/DD; blue = ASD Good; purple = ASD Poor). Stars above specific bars indicate where the brain-behavioral relationship is non-zero (i.e. 95% CIs do not encompass 0) and these are specific relationships that reliably contribute to the overall PLS relationship for LV1. The coloring in panels C–D reflect the bootstrap ratio (BSR) which is analogous to a pseudo z-statistic and can be interpreted accordingly. Only voxels in panels C–D with BSR values greater than 1.96 or less than −1.96 are shown, as these are the primary voxels showing the biggest contributions to the overall pattern being expressed by LV1. Abbreviations: BSR = bootstrap ratio; EL, Mullen Expressive Language; RL Mullen Receptive Language; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; TD, typical development; LD/DD, language/developmental delay.