Table 3.
Country | Source of GH dataa | GH data collected prospectivelyb or retrospectivelyc |
Belgium | National clinically run database | Prospectively |
France | Yearly forms sent by clinical centres to a national agency until 1997; hospital case notes thereafter | Prospectively until 1997; thereafter retrospectively from hospital case notes in 3 sweeps (in 1999, 2001 and 2010) |
Germany | National industry database, clinical non-industry database, plus local clinic case notes | Prospectively in industry and clinical databases; clinic notes retrospectively |
Italy | GH treatment registries (Piedmont and Campania); local clinic case notes and National Institute of Health Registry | National registry prospectively; clinic notes retrospectively |
The Netherlands | Paediatric endocrinologists, hospital records, clinical notes | Prospectively, with missing data added retrospectively |
Sweden | National database independent of industry | Prospectively in national database |
Switzerland | Original medical charts at centres of paediatric endocrinology, oncology, and nephrology | Retrospectively |
UK | National industry database plus local clinic case notes for a minority | Prospectively in industry database; retrospectively for hospital case notes |
i.e. doses, dates etc. for patients identified as GH-treated.
i.e. at the time of treatment.
i.e. extracted specially for SAGhE from existing case notes.