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. 2015 Jul 23;84(3):172–183. doi: 10.1159/000435856

Table 3.

SAGhE study: sources of GH treatment data

Country Source of GH dataa GH data collected prospectivelyb or retrospectivelyc
Belgium National clinically run database Prospectively

France Yearly forms sent by clinical centres to a national agency until 1997; hospital case notes thereafter Prospectively until 1997; thereafter retrospectively from hospital case notes in 3 sweeps (in 1999, 2001 and 2010)

Germany National industry database, clinical non-industry database, plus local clinic case notes Prospectively in industry and clinical databases; clinic notes retrospectively

Italy GH treatment registries (Piedmont and Campania); local clinic case notes and National Institute of Health Registry National registry prospectively; clinic notes retrospectively

The Netherlands Paediatric endocrinologists, hospital records, clinical notes Prospectively, with missing data added retrospectively

Sweden National database independent of industry Prospectively in national database

Switzerland Original medical charts at centres of paediatric endocrinology, oncology, and nephrology Retrospectively

UK National industry database plus local clinic case notes for a minority Prospectively in industry database; retrospectively for hospital case notes

i.e. doses, dates etc. for patients identified as GH-treated.


i.e. at the time of treatment.


i.e. extracted specially for SAGhE from existing case notes.