V2-specific C’s are dispensable for Bak import and tBid-dependent OMM permeabilization. Schematic view of the mV2 sequence superimposed either with the biophysical model of V1 (38) (A) or the biochemical model (34) (B). The green color shows the β-sheets, whereas red color shows the “not so similar” [scoring >0.5 in the Gonnet point accepted mutation (PAM) 250 matrix] and “different” (scoring ≤0.5 in the Gonnet PAM 250 matrix) amino acids between V1 and V2. Blue arrows show the targeted C locations in V2. (C) V2 and Bak immunoblot of the membrane fractions of the V2−/− cells transfected with V2 (as a positive control), V2(C228N), or V2(Δ4C). (D) Cyto c Western blot for the cytosolic fraction V2−/− cells expressing V2, V2(C228N), or V2(Δ4C) treated with tBid or Dig. V2 and Bak (E, membrane) and cyto c (F, cytosol) Western blots of V2−/− cells expressing mV2 and zfV2.