Figure 4. Superimposition of the known APOBEC structures around the Zn active site.
A3A (green, PDB: 2M65), A3C (red, PDB: 3VOW), A3FCD2 (purple, PDB: 4J4J and 4IOU), A3GCD2 (yellow, PDB: 3IQS and 3IR2), A3BCD2 (pink, modelled structure). (A) A view of the superimposition of loop-1, loop-3 and loop-7 around the Zn active site. The conserved Tyr130 in A3A can adopt a conformation different from its equivalent tyrosine residues in other APOBECs (in sticks), which is probably permitted by the different loop-1 conformation in A3A (green). The loop-1 conformations in other APOBECs should prevent their tyrosine residues to assume the conformation of Tyr130 in A3A. (B) A closer view of the active site for the non-A3A APOBECs, showing the conserved tyrosine residue as a partial ‘lid’ on the edge of the mC at the active site pocket. (C) A closer view of the active site for A3A and the modelled A3BCD2, showing the different conformation for loop-1, and for the conserved tyrosine residue (Tyr130 for A3A, Tyr313 for A3BCD2) next to the mC at the active site. Tyr313 of A3BCD2 is closer to the mC, causing some clashes with the methyl group.