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. 2015 Jun 11;35(3):e00203. doi: 10.1042/BSR20150055

Table 1. The summarized data of autonomous and non-autonomous action of DNase II in C. elegans through ToLFP staining.

Embryos were scored at the 1.5-fold stage. The data shown are mean ± S.E.M. N-number: N2=13 and ced-1(e1735)=12.

Percentage of apoptotic DNA degradation by autonomous and non-autonomous manners
Genotype Number of ToLFP Autonomous Non-autonomous
Whole embryo
N2 19.85±0.7 70% (13.92/19.85) 30% (5.93/19.85)
ced-1 13.92+0.6 100% (13.92/13.92) 0% (0/13.92)
N2 16.54+0.7 74% (12.17/16.54) 26% (4.37/16.54)
ced-1 12.17+0.6 100% (12.17/12.17) 0% (0/12.17)
N2 3.3+0.3 55% (1.8/3.3) 45% (1.5/3.3)
ced-1 1.8+0.2 100% (3.3/3.3) 0% (0/3.3)