Figure 4. FA-pRNA nanoparticles delivery into CRC liver metastases.
a. pRNA-Alexa647 and FA-pRNA-Alexa647 labeled nanoparticles were administered intravenously (single dose of 1 μg/g in 300μl of PBS) every 2h (three doses total) into mice with KM20 (left panel) and HT29 (right panel) liver metastases and evaluated macroscopically 6h after the first administration. b. Accumulation of fluorescently-labeled nanoparticles was evaluated microscopically in KM20 (left panel) and HT29 (right panel) and in normal liver adjacent to KM20 and HT29 metastases, 6h after the first pRNA dose administration. Control: PBS; pRNA-Alexa647 treated mice. Green: GFP-expressing cancer cells; blue DAPI; magenta: Alexa647. Magnification 40×.