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. 2015 Jan 30;47(4):796–803. doi: 10.4143/crt.2014.106

Table 4.

Prognostic factors for overall survival in multivariate analysis (n=65)

Variable Overall survival (95% CI, mo) Univariate p-value Multivariate p-value Hazard ratio (95% CI)
Gender Male 18.73 (14.43-23.03) 0.856 - -
Female 19.33 (13.06-25.60)
Age (yr) ≤ 65 18.37 (14.79-21.95) 0.278 - -
> 65 22.57 (13.15-31.99)
Disease status Metastatic 19.63 (15.35-23.91) 0.973 - -
Recurrent 17.03 (16.30-17.76)
Location Right 19.53 (14.51-24.54) 0.742 - -
Left 18.37 (13.99-22.75)
No. of metastatic sites 0-1 31.60 (13.69-49.51) 0.075 - -
≥ 2 18.73 (15.30-22.16)
Liver metastasis Yes 16.97 (14.01-19.93) 0.033 0.038 1.940 (1.039-3.624)
No 31.60 (22.74-40.46)
Debulking operation Yes 25.67 (19.02-32.32) 0.014 0.019 2.023 (1.123-3.642)
No 16.20 (12.01-20.386)
Platelet (x103 μL) ≤ 150 3.87 (NA) 0.551 - -
> 150 19.33 (16.07-22.59)
Hemoglobin (g/dL) ≤ 11.7 18.73 (14.67-22.79) 0.459 - -
> 11.7 19.33 (14.91-23.75)
Albumin (g/dL) ≤ 3.2 22.57 (15.36-29.78) 0.616 - -
> 3.2 18.37 (15.49-21.26)
CA 19-9 (IU/mL) ≤ 37 20.90 (12.82-28.98) 0.036 0.307 1.365 (0.752-2.476)
> 37 16.67 (9.79-23.55)
Serum KRAS Mutant 17.03 (9.50-24.56) 0.991 - -
Wild type 19.63 (16.06-23.20)
Tissue KRAS Mutant 17.03 (13.62-20.44) 0.305 - -
Wild type 20.90 (11.70-30.09)
Second or more line Yes 19.53 (15.90-23.16) 0.820 - -
No 16.97 (0-38.20)

CI, confidence interval; CA 19-9, cancer antigen 19-9; NA, not available.