Blockade of Nogo-(B) cleavage reverses the impaired IFN response in Ras-transformed cells. (A) Ras-transformed cells were treated with UV, doxorubicin (Dox, 300 nM), etoposide (Etp, 5 μM) or actinomycin D (ActD, 2 nM) for 18 hr. Nogo-B cleavage and p53 levels were analyzed by western blot. (B) Non- or Ras-transformed cells were treated with vehicle (DMSO) or DNA damaging agents (300 nM of doxorubicin, 5 μM of etoposide) during reovirus infection. mRNAs were isolated 24 hr post-infection and subjected to real-time q-PCR. Fold increase of ISG56 was normalized to GAPDH.