Figure 26. Morphological changes along the cervical vertebral column of Sigilmassasaurus andBaryonyx.
(A) CMN 50791, holotype mid-cervical vertebra (C6) of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis in left lateral view; (B) BSPG 2005 I 56, posterior cervical vertebra (C8) of Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis in left lateral view; (C) NHMUK PV R 9951, C6 of Baryonyx walkeri in left lateral view; (D) NHMUK PV R 9951, C9 of Baryonyx walkeri in left lateral view. Note the extreme morphological changes in centrum length, orientation of prezygapophzses, and shape of the neural spine in both taxa. For discussion of axial placement of Baryonyx vertebrae see main text. Scale bars equal 10 cm.