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. 2015 Jun 6;24(12):2873–2883. doi: 10.1007/s11136-015-1031-6

Table 3.

Summary of parameter estimates for multilevel models of affect as a function of pain and coping

Fixed effects Negative affect Positive affect
Estimate SE t p Estimate SE t p
Intercept 3.69 .16 23.21 <.001 3.43 .13 27.35 <.001
Time −.24 .08 −2.86 .005 .08 .07 .13 .258
Level 1
Pain .07 .06 1.24 .218 −.11 .05 −2.28 .024
MFC −.42 .22 −1.90 .059 .74 .19 4.02 <.001
PFC −.07 .20 −.36 .723 .35 .17 2.05 .042
EFC .31 .19 1.61 .109 −.16 .16 −1.02 .308
Level 2
Pain .08 .06 1.38 .173 −.12 .05 −2.75 .007
MFC −.62 .27 −2.31 .023 .67 .21 3.26 .002
PFC .27 .32 .86 .393 .12 .25 .48 .636
EFC .17 .43 .39 .700 .37 .33 1.12 .267
Covariance parameters (repeated measures)
Estimate SE z p Estimate SE z p
Residual 2.00 .25 8.02 <.001 1.25 .15 8.24 <.001
Autocorrelation .67 .05 15.28 <.001 .66 .05 13.59 <.001

Note An autoregressive matrix was used to model the error variance on the dependent variables. Level-1 variables are person-centered. Level-2 variables are sample-centered

MFC meaning-focused coping, PFC problem-focused coping, EFC emotion-focused coping

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