Table 2.
Project information
MIGS ID | Property | Term |
MIGS-31 | Finishing quality | Finished |
Number of contigs | 1 | |
MIGS-28 | Libraries used | One paired-end Illumina library (per each phage) |
MIGS-29 | Sequencing platforms | Illumina HiSeq |
MIGS-31.2 | Fold coverage | P12002L, ~29,000×; P12002S, ~33,000× |
MIGS-30 | Assemblers | SOAPdenovo |
MIGS-32 | Gene calling method | RAST gene caller |
GenBank ID | P12002L, KR136259; P12002S, KR136260 | |
GenBank Date of Release | May 16, 2015 | |
GOLD ID | P12002L, Gp0115710; P12002S, Gp0115711 | |
MIGS-13 | Source material identifiera | P12002L, P12002S |
Project relevance | Diversity of marine bacteriophage |
aViruses have not been deposited yet