Table 2.
Interacting proteins of mrhl RNA from chromatin
No. | Protein | UniProtK B | Mol wt (kDa) | Total peptides | Peptides | Protein Function |
1 | hnRNP A/B | Q99020 | 30.8 | 9 | (K)IFVGGLNPEATEKK(I), (K)EVYQQQQYGSGGR(G), (K)FGEVVDCTIK(M), (K)MFVGGLSWDTSKK(D), | Regulation of transcription, lncRNA function, splicing |
2 | Pc4 | P11031 | 14.4 | 6 | (R)DDNMFQIGK(M), (K)EQISDIDDAVR(K), (K)QSSSSRDDNMFQIGK(M), (R)EYWMDSEGEMKPGR(K), (R)EYWMDSEGEMKPGRK(G) | Transcription coactivator |
3 | Actg1 | P63260 | 41.7 | 16 | (K)SYELPDGQVITIGNER(F), (K)EITALAPSTMK(I), (R)HQGVMVGMGQK(D), (R)AVFPSIVGRPR(H), (R)GILTLK(Y) | Cell Migration, SignalingTranscription elongation |
4 | Histone H4 | P62806 | 11.8 | 4 | (R)ISGLIYEETR(G), (R)TLYGFGG(-), (R)DNIQGITKPAIR(R), (K)VFLENVIR(D) | Nucleosomal component |
5 | Rbm3 | O89086 | 16.6 | 2 | (R)YSGGNYRDNYDN(-), (R)GFGFITFTNPEHASDAMR(A) | Regulation of translationProduction of miRNAs |
6 | H2B1F | P10853 | 14 | 2 | (R)LLLPGELAK(H), (K)ESYSVYVYK(V) | Nucleosomal component |
7 | hnRNP-DL | Q9Z130 | 33.5 | 7 | (R)FGEVVDCTIK(T), (R)FGEVVDCTIK(T), (K)DLTEYLSR(F), (K)DAASVDKVLELK(E), | Regulation of transcription |
8 | H2A3 | Q8BFU2 | 2 | (R)AGLQFPVGR(V), (Q)FPVGR(V) | Nucleosomal component | |
9 | Annexin A1 | P10107 | 38.7 | 12 | (K)ILVALCGGN(-),(R)FLENQEQEYVQAVK(S), (K)TPAQFDADELRGAMK(G), (K)TPAQFDADELR(G) | Apoptosis, cell cycleCell proliferation |
10 | Srsf2 | Q62093 | 25.4 | 4 | (R)DAEDAMDAMDGAVLDGR(E), (R)GFAFVR(F), (R)VGDVYIPR(D), (F)AFVR(F) | RNA spilicngmRNA processing |
11 | hnRNP A1 | P49312 | 34.1 | 4 | (K)IEVIEIMTDR(G), (R)SSGPYGGGGQYFAKPR(N), (R)GGGFGGNDNFGR(G), (R)SHFEQWGTLTDCVVMR(D) | RNA spilicngmRNA processing |
12 | Histone H3.2 | P84228 | 15.4 | 6 | (K)STELLIR(K), (R)YRPGTVALR(E), (K)RVTIMPK(D), (K)STELLIR(K) | Nucleosomal component |
13 | Nucleolin | P09405 | 76.7 | 18 | K)GFGFVDFNSEEDAK(A), (R)SVSLYYTGEK(G), (K)GIAYIEFK(S), (K)NDLAVVDVR(T), | Transcription, p53 pathwayregulation of growth |
14 | hnRNP A2 B1 | O88569 | 37.4 | 4 | (R)GGNFGFGDSR(G), (R)GGGGNFGPGPGSNFR(G), (K)TLETVPLER(K), (K)IDTIEIITDR(Q) | Splicing, lncRNA function, Transcription, differentiation |
15 | Hmgb1 | P63158 | 24.9 | 5 | (K)YEKDIAAYR(A), (K)GKPDAAKK(G), (K)KHPDASVNFSEFSK(K), (K)IKGEHPGLSIGDVAK(K) | Transcription, DNA repair, apoptosis, differentiation |
16 | Myl6 | Q60605 | 16.9 | 6 | (R)HVLVTLGEK(M), (K)ILYSQCGDVMR(A), (R)ALGQNPTNAEVLK(V), (K)EAFQLFDR(T) | Adhesion, migration, signaling |
17 | Annexin A2 | P07356 | 38.6 | 9 | (R)TNQELQEINR(V), (K)LMVALAK(G), (R)QDIAFAYQR(R), (R)SEVDMLK(I) | Protein phosphorylationPoly(A) RNA binding |
18 | hnRNP D0 | Q60668 | 38.3 | 6 | (K)IFVGGLSPDTPEEK(I),(K)FGEVVDCTLKLDPITGR(S), (R)EYFGGFGEVESIELPMDNK(T), (K)EQYQQQQQWGSR(G) | mRNA processing, mRNA stability |
19 | Alyref2 | Q9JJW6–2 | 23.6 | 3 | (R)SLGTADVHFER(R), (K)QQLSAEELDAQLDAYNAR(M), (K)QQLSAEELDAQLDAYNAR(M) | RNA splicing |
20 | Hmgb2 | P30681 | 24.1 | 11 | (K)YEKDIAAYR(A), (K)SKFEDLAK(S), (K)IKIEHPGLSIGDTAK(K), (K)KLGEMWSEQSAK(D) | Spermatogenesis, Wnt signaling, Nucelosomal histone binding |
List of interacting proteins of mrhl RNA from ChOP chromatin fraction identified by Mass Spectrometry (nano LC/MS). The peptide sequences obtained for each of the protein are listed. The peptides with high score are also listed for each of the protein where more than 4 peptides were identified. The biological function of each of the protein is given in the last column.