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. 2015 Oct 21;81(22):7730–7739. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02295-15


Presence and function of the CCM transcriptional regulators in Microcystis and three model cyanobacterial strainsa

Transcriptional regulator Location in genome Function
Microcystis (17; this study) Synechocystis PCC 6803 (29, 53) Synechococcus PCC 7002 (50) Synechococcus PCC 7942 (46, 54)
CcmR Upstream of high-affinity CO2 uptake operon Repressor/activator of cmpABCD operon (BCT1) Repressor of sbtA and high-affinity CO2 uptake operon (not bicA) Repressor of sbtA and bicA (possibly high-affinity CO2 uptake operon)
CcmR2 Upstream of bicA-sbtA operon Repressor/activator of bicA-sbtA operon
CmpR Upstream of cmpABCD operon (BCT1) or separate location Activator of cmpABCD operon Activator of cmpABCD operon (possibly a repressor of sbtA and high-affinity CO2 uptake operon)

The source or reference(s) are indicated in parentheses in the headings for each column of data. A dash (−) indicates that the transcriptional regulator is absent.