Fig. 4.
Comparative analysis of SR-FTIR and auto-fluorescence images shows different types of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) hotspots in cardiac tissue sections from high GI-fed mice. (A) The spatial distribution of the values of the ratio of carbohydrate band to protein ratio (in a logarithmic scale from −3 to 0.0), (B) the fluorescence images (excitation 450–490 nm, emission 500–550 nm) of the same region. White squares mark areas of fluorescence AGE hotspots (as elevated values of the ratio of carbohydrate to proteins and as bright spots in the fluorescence images), red squares mark areas of non-fluorescence AGE hotspots. Insets: heatmaps of Integrated absorbance of sugar moieties of carbohydrates (in linear scale from 0 to 12 a.u.). Below the heatmap insets are the corresponding SR-FTIR spectra of each “hotspot” in red (fingerprint region and lipid region) compared to the average spectrum of the HGI tissue (in black). (The colors are visible in the online version of the article;