Fig 8. Front and eddy utilization by pelagic tunas and billfishes.
(a) A yellowfin tuna along the edge of an eddy in the center of GoM on April 14, 2012. (b) Another yellowfin tuna along the edge of an eddy in the center of GoM on March 23, 2012. (c) A bluefin tuna along the eastern edge of the Loop Current (LC) and later along the western edge of the Gulf Stream from April 26 to June 6, 2012. (d) A blue marlin along the eastern edge of the LC on July 12, 2004. (e) A white marlin along the edge of the Gulf Stream on September 23, 2011. (f) A sailfish at the edge of Florida Current and the eastern edge of the LC from May 10 to July 1, 2005.