Owned by patient(s)
Issued or reviewed by professionals
1 |
Peak flow based ‘wee handbook’ - type unknown. Patient could not recall and did not recognise it from the interviewer selection. |
NHS symptom management plans |
Asthma UK plans |
2 |
Local NHS long term management plan |
Hand written on ‘bits of paper’ |
NHS short and long term management plans |
Asthma UK plan |
Asthma UK plans |
3 |
Postcard sized peak flow plan – source unknown as no publisher details shown on plan |
Asthma UK plans |
NHS symptom and long term management plans |
Handwritten plans |
4 |
Desmond Dragon children’s plan |
Hand written on note paper |
NHS short term management plans |
Asthma UK plans |
5 |
Asthma UK plan |
Asthma UK plans |
Other |
Not applicable |
Handwritten on ‘bits of paper’ or on patient prescriptions |
Asthma UK plans |
Drug company asthma plans |
NHS local asthma plans (long term management) |
Across study groups 1–6 |
Written plans owned by patients: |
Written plans issued by professionals*: |
Type unknown = 1 |
Handwritten (6 participants from 4 study groups) on paper (n = 4) or prescriptions (n = 2) |
Peak flow based postcard type = 1 |
Asthma UK plans - 9 participants across all groups |
NHS long-term management = 1 |
NHS asthma plans short, long-term or symptom management - 6 participants from 5 groups |
Asthma UK plan = 2 |
Drug company plan - 1 participant from 1 group |
Desmond Dragon = 1 |
*some professionals gave multiple answers |