Figure 2. EDA+-FN enhances macrophage cells infiltration but not foam cell formation.
A. Top panel shows representative photomicrographs stained for macrophages (mac-3 positive cells stained as brown) and counterstained with hematoxylin (blue). Scale bar = 200μm. Bottom panel shows quantification. N=8 mice/group. Each dot represents a single mouse. Value for each mouse represents a mean of 16 fields from 4 serial sections (each 80 mm apart, beginning at the aortic valve leaflets and spanning 320 mm). B. Left panel shows staining of purified bone marrow-derived macrophages from female EDA−/−Apoe−/−, EDAfl/flApoe−/−, and control Apoe−/− mice with Oil Red O 24 hour after incubating them with acetylated LDL (100 μg/ml). Right panel shows quantification of total cholesterol. C. Left panel shows staining of purified bone marrow-derived macrophages from female EDA−/−Apoe−/− mice with Oil Red O 24 hour after incubating them with LDL (50 μg/ml) under different conditions. Right panel shows quantification of total cholesterol. Values are mean ± SEM. N=5-6 mice/group. NS= non significant.