Partial rescue of clo−/− ocular phenotype by blocking cell death. A-C. Eye histology of wild-type (A) and clo−/− (B) embryos at 72 hpf, and of clo−/− embryos injected with a morpholino targeting p53 (p53 MO; C). D-F. Cell death, visualized by TUNEL staining in sections from 72 hpf embryos (E,F) is significantly reduced in p53 morphant clo−/− as compared to uninjected clo−/− (*** in D, p<0.001). Two outliers from the MO group are not included in the graph as they showed very high levels of cell death, suggesting an unsuccessful MO injection. LE, lens. Scale bar in B (applies to all images) = 50 μm.