Dermo1-Cre activity in the developing craniofacial regions and conditional disruption of Fgfr1 and Fgfr2 using the Dermo1-Cre driver. (A) Fluorescent images showing expression of GFP and dtTomato fluorescent protein in the craniofacial regions of an E13.5 Dermo1-Cre, mT/mG embryo. (B) LacZ staining showing β-galatosidase activity in the palatal mesenchyme of an E13.5 Dermo1-Cre, Rosa26r embryo. Noted the absence of β-galatosidase activity in the palatal epithelium and tooth germ. (C) LacZ staining showing β-galatosidase activity in the Meckel’s cartilages (arrowhead) and the mandibular mesenchyme (arrow) of an E13.5 Dermo1-Cre, Rosa26r embryo. (D and E) Palate and tongue of a P0 wild type pup. (F and G) Cleft palate and normal tongue of a P0 Fgfr1ccko pup. (H and I) Cleft palate and abnormal tongue of a P0 Fgfr1/2dcko pup. (J) H&E stained coronal section of the anterior part of a P0 wild type palate. (K) H&E stained coronal section of the anterior part of a P0 Fgfr1/2dcko palate. Asterisks indicate unfused palatal shelves. mc, Meckel’s cartilages; n, nasal cavity; o, oral cavity; p, palatal shelf; t, tongue; tg, tooth germ. Scale bars in A and J, 50μm and in B, 200μm.