Fig. 6.
Expression of Gata6 H2B-Venus reporter in parietal endoderm. a Wholemount brightfield and fluorescence images of a bisected deciduum containing an E6.75 Gata6 H2B-Venus/+ embryo. Nuclear localized expression of Venus was observed in cells of the ParE, part of Reichert’s membrane that derives from the PrE lineage. b Bissected decidua containing Gata6 H2B-Venus/+ embryos at E6.75 were stained for Phalloidin (red) and cryosectioned. Saggital sections show expression of Venus in the ParE and VE. Schematic diagram depicts the layers of Epi (light grey), extraembryonic ectoderm (exE, dark grey), VE (light blue) and ParE (dark blue). Ectoplacental cone (EPC), parietal endoderm (ParE), visceral endoderm (VE), extraembryonic VE (exVE), embryonic VE (emVE), proximal (Pr), distal (D), anterior (A), posterior (P)