Fig. 4.
Functional expression of the S. aureus ClfB protein in L. lactis. a Clumping of L. lactis PA1001 cells producing His6-ClfB (4110), His6-TEV-ClfB (4111) or ClfB-His6 (4210) upon overnight induction with nisin. No clumping was observed in the absence of nisin, as shown under (C) for a non-induced control culture of L. lactis PA1001 harbouring pNG4110-clfB. b and c Cell and growth medium fractions of L. lactis PA1001 producing His6-ClfB (4110), His6-TEV-ClfB (4111) or ClfB-His6 (4210) were analysed by LDS-PAGE. Gels were either stained with SimplyBlue SafeStain (b) or used for Western blotting (c) with anti-histidine antibodies. As a control, non-induced L. lactis PA1001 pNG4110-clfB was included in the analysis (C). The positions of Mw marker proteins are indicated