Fig 2. Effect of acute imidacloprid (IMI) ingestion on olfactory learning and memory of young honeybee workers.
Bees were submitted to a classical conditioning protocol one hour after being fed with sucrose solution alone (DMSO control; light gray, hollow circles) or with 0 (IMI control; dark gray, hollow circles), 0.25 (darker gray, filled circles) or 0.50 ng (black, filled circles) of IMI dissolved in DMSO. The percentage of bees that extended their proboscis (PER%) towards the odour was quantified over the course of five training trials (Acquisition, left) and a single testing trial fifteen minutes after training (Retention, right). Individuals used were a) 2/3 days old, b) 5/6 days old or c) 9/10 days old. Numbers inside bars indicate sample size. Different letters stand for statistical differences between IMI treatments (p < 0.05).