Fig 2. POGLUT1 is required for mammalian Notch signaling in vivo.
(A) Western blots of wild type and Poglut1 wsnp E8.5 embryonic lysates probed with antibodies for NOTCH1. Upper panel, an antibody that recognizes the intracellular domain of NOTCH1 shows the reduction of cleaved NOTCH1 in Poglut1 wsnp mutants. In the lower panel, the Val1744 antibody that recognizes the active NOTCH1, shows the reduction of the active form in Poglut1 wsnp mutants. α-TUBULIN is the loading control. (B) Whole mount immunostaining for active NOTCH1 at E7.75. View from the distal tip of the embryo (extended projection), anterior to the left, shows active NOTCH1 expression around the node (asterisk) in wild-type embryos, which is absent in Poglut1 wsnp mutants. (C) Single optical transverse section through the primitive streak (to the right), showing active NOTCH1 expression in the nascent mesoderm in wild-type embryo and its reduction in Poglut1 wsnp mutants. (D-F) Expression of the Notch pathway targets Hes5 (D), Lunatic Fringe (E) and Hes7 (F) in E8.5 wild-type and Poglut1 wsnp embryos. (E, F) are dorsal views, anterior up. (D) is a ventral view with anterior up. Scale bars: 42 μm in B, C and 150 μm in D, E and F.