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. 2015 Oct 23;10(10):e0140537. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140537

Table 2. Clinical information.

Patient Age m/f Age of onset Epilepsy classification Seizure types Inter-ictal EEG MRI PET/SPECT AED Surgery outcome
1 36 m 7 y Structural TLE CPS F+T right MTS right n.a. LTG LCM n.a
2 26 m 7 y Structural TLE CPS FT bilateral > FT left Hypothalamic hamartoma PET: discrete hypometabolism P, T right LEV OXC LCM Seedtherapy:not seizure free
3 17 f 16 y Structural TLE CPS T + TP right; T left Unclear mass in the left superior T gyrus n.a. OXC n.a.
4 17 m 13 y Unclear SPS/CPS GTCS PO bilateral Normal PET: discrete hypometabolism P left LTG OXC n.a.
5 27 f 16 y FLE of unclear origin CPS/GTCS F bilateral Normal PET: normal LTG LEV n.a.
6 27 m 11 y Structural FLE SPS/CPS GTCS FC, FT left Surgical cavity left F PET: extensive hypometabolism TP left LEV OXC surgery: not seizure free
7 12 m 9 y Structural FLE CPS F bilateral; T left Cavernoma F right n.a. none n.a. (surgery) out?
8 9 m 4 y Structural FLE SPS/CPS GTCS FC bilateral T bilateral Extensive right polymicrogyria PET: hypometabolism F, P left LEV VPA n.a.
9 28 f 11 y FLE of unclear origin SPS/CPS GTCS FP-FC right TP right Unclear lesion right, F including insular cortex PET/SPECT: hypometabolism F right LTG LCM surgery: not seizure free
10 71 m 70 y Structural TLE CPS T pole right Cystic tumor mesio temporal left n.a. VPA n.a. surgery?
11 31 f 31 y TLE of unclear origin CPS T right n.a. n.a. OXC n.a.
12 60 m 40 y unclear CPS T bilateral F bilateral Defect/gliosis T pole left PET: hypo metabolism T left OXC n.a.
13 13 m 3 y Structural TLE CPS/GTCS CP bilateral T bilateral MTS left and gliosis TP n.a. VPA LEV n.a.
14 23 m n.a. unclear SPS/CPS GTCS T right > T left F left O right abnormal gyration O right n.a. LTG CLO n.a.
15 39 f 23 y TLE of unclear origin CPS T bilateral Hippocampus malrotation left PET: normal LTG n.a.
16 13 f 7 y unclear CPS/GTCS FC bilateral; F left FCD medial-basal right PET: normal CAB VPA n.a.
17 15 m 12 y unclear SPS/CPS GTCS FC bilateral P left n.a. PET: hypometabolism F left LTG n.a.

AED, anti epileptic drug; C, central; CAB, carbamazepine; CLO, clobazam; CPS, complex partial seizure; f, female; F, frontal; FC, frontocentral; FLE, frontal lobe epilepsy; FP, frontopolar; FT, frontotemporal;GTCS, generalized tonic clonic seizure; LCM, lacosamide; LEV, levetiracetam; LTG, lamotrigine; m, male; MTS, mesial temporal sclerosis; n.a., not available; O, occipital; OXC, oxcarbazepine; P, parietal; SPS, simple partial seizure; T, temporal; TLE,temporal lobe epilepsy; TP, temporoparietal; VPA, valproate acid; y, year