(A) CCL2 expression levels in 11 human colitis-associated colorectal dysplasia and adenocarcinoma (ACA) cases. Left panel: total CCL2+ area from five fields (objective 40×) plotted for each case. Areas for quantification were no colitis (normal), colitis (no dysplasia/ACA), dysplasia, and ACA. Symbols are color-coded to track samples. Right panel: representative images of CCL2 immunostaining in human colon samples. Yellow triangles, epithelial cells; red triangles, infiltrating immune cells. Scale bar, 50 μm.
(B) CCL2 colonic protein levels from T-bet−/−
Rag2−/− mice across the neoplastic continuum, quantitated by ELISA. Mean ± SEM with age and number of mice per group shown.
(C) Prevalence of dysplasia and neoplasia in Ccl2−/−
Rag2−/− and T-bet−/−
Rag2−/− mice monitored by mouse age. Symbols represent data from individual mice, with color-coding indicating age in months.
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001 (unpaired, two-tailed Student's t test). See also Figure S1.