Fig. 1.
A: model architecture. Independent Poisson inputs are fed into a thalamocortical (TC) neuron (“afferent input”) or a thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) neuron (“external input”). The TRN may also receive inputs from a TC cell, then sends a GABAergic input to the TC cell, which projects to a layer 4 (L4) cell. PFC, prefrontal cortex. B: a real TC cell, recorded from the ventral posterior medial part of the thalamus in current-clamp mode, in response to direct current injections from −100 pA to +100 pA. C: the behavior of a model cell in response to the same inputs. D–G: real (D) and model (E) TRN cells and real (F) and model (G) L4 cells. See text for details.