Fig. 7.
The Stellar mutation increases SPT activity. (A and B) SPT assays using brain microsomes. Wild-type (+/+; open bars) and Stellar mutant (Stl/Stl; solid bars) brain microsomes were incubated with serine and the C16 palmitoyl-CoA (A) or the C18 stearoyl-CoA (B). A total of 0.01 mM fatty acyl-CoA was used. All values are mean ± SD *P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01 (unpaired t test). (C) SPT activity at different C18 fatty acyl-CoA concentrations. Wild-type (+/+; open circles) and Stellar mutant (Stl/Stl; closed circles) brain microsomes were used. All values are mean ± SD. (D) Vmax and Kx (Hill’s equation) of SPT in the wild-type and the Stellar mutant (H56L) brain using the C18 stearoyl-CoA. The calculation was performed using the kinetics mode of SigmaPlot.