Representative slides from adipose tissue and muscle for animals receiving IP stool suspension.
Notes: Hematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E) of c57Bl/6 mouse adipose tissue and muscle at 6 hours post- IP inoculation of stool (5 µl/g body weight). (A) epididymal adipose tissue. Embedded between ApCs are veins that exhibit several neutrophils in the lumen. (B) Peri-renal fat with focal serosal neutrophil infiltration with mixed bacteria (peritonitis) and veins containing neutrophils in the lumen. (C) Epididymal adipose tissue. Vein packed with NLs. H&E stain. (D) Muscle gastrocnemius. Larger artery with several neutrophils in the lumen (scale bar =20 µm, A–D). Representative adipocytes ApC are circled “Apc” in A, B, and C. A circle labeled “NL” marks a representative group of neutrophils in A and individual rolling neutrophils are arrowed “NL” in D.
Abbreviations: IP, intraperitoneal; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; ApCs, adipocytes; NLs, neutrophils.