Sequential parsing of the m value by SEED. A box plot of the distribution of m/F values across all fragments of the A1 domain (top) and the A3 domain (bottom) for excised (left) and in situ (middle) fragments, and the cooperativity ratio (right). (The thick bar covers half the fragments, the dotted line extends up to 1.5× that range, and the dots represent short fragment outliers.) The median values are highlighted for each residue (red, A1 or blue, A3). Note the large difference in scale and overall variance between the excised and in situ contexts. For plotting purposes, values of m/F, excised, are truncated at 22; values of m/F, in situ, are truncated between −5 and −25; and cooperativity ratio (CR) values are truncated at −1.2. While fragments of all sizes are computed, only those of at least seven residues, shown as very short fragments, have an expected high variability. To see this figure in color, go online.