Fig. 1.
Arithmetic mean ± standard deviation plasma concentrations of ticagrelor over time following administration of a 90 mg dose of ticagrelor administered either orally as a whole tablet, orally as a crushed tablet or as a crushed tablet via a nasogastric (NG) tube [21]. Compared with a whole tablet: p < 0.0001 for crushed tablet (NG tube) at 0.5 and 1 h post-dosing and for crushed tablet at 0.5 h post-dosing; p < 0.02 for crushed tablet at 1 h post-dosing (linear mixed-effects model with sequence, period and treatment as fixed effects, and volunteer nested within sequence as a random effect). (From: Teng et al. [21]. With kind permission from Dustri-Verlag)