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. 2015 Sep 18;93(11):785–789. doi: 10.2471/BLT.14.146027

Table 1. Reported estimates of medical travellers to receiving countries.

Receiving country Estimated no. of annual medical travellers Year and reference
Australia 13 000 201029
Brazil 49 000–180 000 200517 and 200930
Costa Rica 25 000–150 000 2006,31 200732 and 200833
Cuba 3500 200326
Cuba 200 000 200732
Egypt 68 000–108 000 2003,34 2004,28 200528 and 200635
Germany 50 000–70 000 200828 and 200929
Hungary 1 500 000–1 800 000 200728 and 200927
Hungary 300 000 200830
India 1 000 000–1 180 000 200436 and 200537
India 100 000–150 000 200524,29,3840
India 300 000–731 000 2006,41 2007,1 20085 and 201039
Israel 35 000 200932
Jordan 120 000–250 000 2002,34 200428 and 200930
Malaysia 300 000–489 000 2006,41 2007,24,29,42 20085 and 201039
Philippines 100 000–250 000 2006,24,41 20092 and 201043
Republic of Korea 60 000 20092,29
Singapore 270 000–450 000 2004,31 2005,24,40 20061,29 and 20085
Singapore 571 000–725 000 2007,42 20082 and 201039
South Africa 330 000 201044
Thailand 450 000–700 000 2004,45 200641 and 200725
Thailand 1 000 000–1 580 000 2004,36,38 2006,46 2007,1 20085,29 and 201039
Tunisia 10 000–42 000 2002,34 200338 and 200728
Turkey 15 000 200728
United Kingdom 52 000 201047
United States of America 250 000–400 000 200616 and 20071,5

Note: Reports were identified by a non-systematic literature review of PubMed, EconLit, Google Scholar, the World Bank research database, Europe PubMed Central and EMBASE.