Figure 1.
Point of no return for high light-induced transcript accumulation of 4 AP2/ERF TFs. ERF6, ERF104, ERF105 and RRTF1 mRNA levels were quantified by qPCR in wild type plants after various periods of H-light-treatment e.g. 10 s followed by 9 min 50 s of low light, or maintained in L-light (0 min). All plants were harvested after 10 min of H-light (LH→L) or transferred at indicated time points back to L-light. Thus the x-axis gives the time period in H-light. Data are means ± SE from n = 3 plus replicates (for t = 10 min n = 8) independent experiments, asterisks indicate significant difference to t = 0 min control (Student's t-test P < 0.05).