Figure 4.
Association of MICB methylation and expression in PTB and TB pairs. (A) Association between cg06284756 in maternal leukocytes and PTB. The x-axis represents PTB status where 0 denotes term birth and 1 denotes PTB. The y-axis represents the methylation levels (β values) for cg06284756. (B) Correlation between maternal methylation (x-axis) and fetal methylation (y-axis) for cg06284756. Open circles represent maternal-fetal pairs that are preterm and closed circles represent pairs that are term. The dashed line represents correlation in PTB pairs, and the solid line represents correlation in term birth (TB) pairs. (C) Correlation between maternal leukocyte MICB expression (x-axis) and fetal leukocyte MICB expression (y-axis).