Figure 4.
Mxd1 recruited Sin3A repressor complexes in the presence of 3-Cl-AHPC and heterodimerized with Max protein. (A) 3-Cl-AHPC increased Mxd1 protein binding with Sin3A and HDAC2 as demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation. (B) 3-Cl-AHPC enhanced HDAC activity in cells. (C) Mxd1 increased its binding with Max protein whereas that of c-Myc with Max decreased in nuclear extracts of 3-Cl-AHPC treated cells. (D) 3-Cl-AHPC increased Mxd1 protein binding to the hTERT promoter whereas that of c-Myc to the hTERT promoter was concomitantly decreased as demonstrated by CHIP assay. (E) Mxd1 protein binding decreased in c-Myc promoter. Error bars represent the mean of 3 separate determinations ± SD. *, ** and *** (<0 .05, < 0.01 and <0 .001, respectively) were significantly between control and treated cells using the t-Test