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. 2015 Jun 5;10(7):607–621. doi: 10.1080/15592294.2015.1050172

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Representative Pb-dependent 5hmC clusters for UCB DNA from infants prenatally exposed to Pb. The Delta β was calculated by subtracting the mean of β values for cases with high BLL samples (≥5 μg/dl) and the mean of β values for controls (BLL ≤ 5 μg/dl). The resulting Delta β was mapped to the genome to visualize the estimated changes in hydroxymethylation in UCSC genome browser for regions mapping to DHMRs. The significant clusters are highlighted in light blue. (A) 13 ± 3% Pb-exposure dependent decrease in a DhMR of 5 probes mapping to CpG Island near the TSS of GSTM1 for conserved regions. (B) 11 ± 3% increase in 5hmC in a cluster of 7 CpG sites in the promoter CpG island mapping to imprinted gene cluster SCGE/PEG10 for male-specific regions. (C) 11 ± 3% decrease around the TSS of mesoderm specific transcript (MEST) in a cluster of 7 CpG sites for female-specific regions.