Fig. 8.
Pre-treatment or co-infiltration with DSF inhibits wild-type Xcc8004 growth in N. benthamiana leaves. (A) Leaves of 4-week-old plants were pre-infiltrated with either control buffer (black bars), EPS (xanthan; 0.5mg ml–1), DSF (100 μM), or DSF+EPS (xanthan; 0.5mg ml–1) by syringe infiltration 16h prior to inoculation with a 107 cfu ml–1 suspension of the wild-type Xcc8004 strain. Bacterial populations were measured at 0, 24, and 48h post-inoculation. Values presented are average log (cfu cm–2) from six leaves (three leaves each from two independent experiments). * indicates (P≤0.05) a significantly lower bacterial population in the DSF-pre-inoculated leaves compared with the leaves inoculated with the wild-type Xcc8004 strain alone based on a pairwise Student’s t-test. (B) Bacterial growth assay in N. benthamiana leaves co-infiltrated with the Xcc8004 wild-type strain with either water control (black bars), DSF (100 μM), EPS (xanthan; 0.5mg ml–1), or DSF+EPS (xanthan). The bacterial population was measured at 0, 8, 24, and 48h after inoculation. Values presented are average log (cfu ml–1) from six leaves (three leaves each from two independent experiments). * indicates (P≤0.001) a significantly lower bacterial population in the DSF-co-inoculated leaves compared with the leaves inoculated with wild-type Xcc alone based on a pairwise Student’s t-test. (C) Photographs of representative leaves from the co-inoculation experiments 4 d post-inoculation. N. benthamiana leaves exhibit water soaking-like disease symptoms when inoculated with the Xcc8004 wild-type strain (shown in a dotted circle). Leaves co-inoculated with the Xcc8004 wild-type strain+DSF exhibited less vigorous water soaking symptoms compared with leaves treated with the Xcc8004 strain alone.