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. 2015 Oct 26;15:804. doi: 10.1186/s12885-015-1830-8

Table 1.

Clinicopathological parameters and survival analysis in 102 primary UPS tumors

Variable Group No. (%) Analyzed groups Overall survival Event-free survival
Sex Male 45 44.1 0.3077 0.1815
Female 57 55.9
Age (17 ~ 93, mean: 62) <62 53 52 0.3714 0.1518
≧62 49 48
Size <5 cm 35 34.3 0.0058a 0.0008a
≧5 cm 56 54.9
N/A 11 10.8
Location Superficial 42 41.2 0.0154a 0.0193a
Deep 54 52.9
NA 6 5.9
Chemotherapy Yes 20 19.6 0.5761 0.9270
No 30 29.4
NA 52 51.0
Surgical margin Positive 18 17.6 0.3069 0.9937
Negative 45 44.1
NA 39 38.3
Metastasis + 28 27.5 <0.0001a <0.0001a
- 74 72.5
Reccurence + 16 15.7 0.9212 <0.0001a
- 86 84.3
Necrosis 0, score 0 58 56.9 Score 0 vs others 0.0011a 0.0101a
<50 %, score 1 31 30.4 Score 1 vs score 2 0.464 0.6221
≧50 %, score 2 13 12.7 Score 2 vs others 0.0344a 0.2112
Mitosis 0–9/10 HPF, score 1 53 52 Score 1 vs others 0.0003a 0.0005a
10–19/10 HPF, score 2 28 27.4 Score 2 vs score 3 0.0291a 0.4872
20≧/10 HPF, score 3 21 20.6 Score 3 vs others <0.0001a 0.0077a
MIB-1 LI <10 % 20 26.7 0.0569 0.0533
≧10 % 50 66.7
NA 5 6.6
FNCLCC 2 64 62.7 <0.0001a 00002a
3 38 37.3
AJCC 7th ed II 59 57.8 Stage II vs others <0.0001a <0.0001a
III 15 14.7 Stage III vs IV 0.0614 <0.0001a
IV 28 27.5

AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer, FNCLCC French Federation of Cancer Centers, HPF high-power fields, LI labeling index, N/A not available, No. number of patients. The Fisher exact test or the log-rank test was used if not indicated otherwise

aStatistically significant