(A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves of wild type, Mdm2Tg, p73+/−, Mdm2Tg; p73+/−, p73−/−, and Mdm2Tg; p73−/− mice illustrating the percentage of mice alive up to 24 months. The median time of survival was 104 weeks for Mdm2Tg and 84 weeks for Mdm2Tg; p73+/− mice. The log-rank test was used to determine the statistical significance between the survival time of Mdm2Tg and Mdm2Tg; p73+/− mice (p<.0001). (B) Kaplan-Meier survival curves showing the fraction of mice that were lymphoma free from each indicated genotype up until 24 months. By 92 weeks of age, half of the Mdm2Tg;p73+/− mice had succumbed to lymphoma whereas more than half of the Mdm2Tg mice were disease free at the 2 year end point. The log-rank test was used to determine the statistical significance between the lymphoma-specific survival time of Mdm2Tg and Mdm2Tg; p73+/− mice (p<.0001). (C) The tumor spectrum of wild type, Mdm2Tg, p73+/−, Mdm2Tg; p73+/−, p73−/−, and Mdm2Tg; p73−/− mice presented as the percentage of each tumor type out of the total number of tumors for each genotype. The total number of tumors examined for each genotype is indicated in parentheses above each bar. B/TCL= Mixed B and T-cell lymphoma; TCL=T-cell lymphoma; BCL= B-cell lymphoma.