Fig 1. Days to MMR vaccination: observed time to vaccination and potential time to vaccination given missed opportunities by country and pooled*.
*Adjusted Kaplan-Meier estimation of the time to MMR vaccination among children with a vaccination card. Covariates are adjusted to the median value across the entire sample; results represent female children age 2 years whose mothers have primary education and are literate, are age 20–34 years with 2–3 children, are homemakers, and are living in a household in the third household expenditure quintile with 23.8% of assets, a male head of household, a household size of five, in a rural area. Vertical red lines indicate the time window in which MMR was considered on time (11.5–13.5 months of age). Labeled days of observation represent the following time points: 0 days = first day that a child is eligible for MMR vaccination (11.5 months of age); 60 days = end of MMR eligibility window (13.5 months); 380 days = age 2 years; 745 days = age 3 years; 1110 days = age 4 years; 1475 days = age 5 years, the oldest age at which a child was included in the sample.