cGMP Manufacturing of Human iPSCs: GMP Runs—LiPSC-GR1.1
(A) CD34+ cells isolated from afresh cord blood unit expanded and further purified from days 0–4 in the priming step. Black represents the CD34+ cell population, and gray represents the isotype control.
(B) An iPSC colony on day 10 post-nucleofection (D10 P0 Colonies), iPSCs at passage 3 (P3 Colonies), and iPSCs at passage 13 (P13 Culture). Scale bars, 500 μm.
(C) iPSCs stained positively with OCT4, TRA-1-60, SSEA4, NANOG, TRA-1-81, and AP. Scale bars, 250 μm, except in the AP image (500 μm).
(D) iPSCs expressing the pluripotent stem cell surface markers SSEA4, TRA-1-60, and TRA-1-81 (dark blue). Light blue indicates the isotype control.
(E) A dendrogram developed through whole gene expression analysis, confirming the clustering of the iPSC lines generated in this work and lines published previously. The colored lines indicate iPSC clones generated from the same donor. F and M indicate iPSC generation from female and male donors, respectively.
(F) The iPSCs demonstrated a normal karyotype after 14 passages in culture.
(G) STR analysis showed that the iPSCs matched the starting CD34+ donor sample.