Table 4.
Latent Growth Models for Ethnic-Racial Identity Resolution and Affirmation (N = 181).
Resolution Model
b (SE) |
Affirmation Model
b (SE) |
Intercept (W1) | 3.34 (.04)*** | 3.80 (.03)*** |
Slope | .06 (.02)** | .03 (.01)* |
Nativitya | −.03 (.02) | −.00 (.01) |
Intercept variance | .13 (.02)*** | .08 (.01)*** |
Slope variance | .01 (.00)* | .00 (.00) |
Note. Model fit for Resolution: χ2 (15) = 25.88, p < .05, CFI = .92, RMSEA = .06. Model fit for Affirmation: χ2 (15) = 21.82, ns, CFI = .98, RMSEA = .05. W1 = Wave 1. CFI = Comparative fit index; RMSEA = Root mean square error of approximation.
Adolescent mothers’ nativity modeled as a predictor of the slope factor. Nativity coded as 0 = Mexico-born, 1 = U.S.-born.
p < .05,
p < .01,
p < .001.