Fig. 3.
Growth rate of four strains after 1 day incubation, followed by additional 3 days incubation with 0.16% BLES or 0.25% SCCS. Error bars represent mean ± SD from duplicate experiments. The values **P < 0.001 and *P < 0.01 are shown with 1 day incubation. a: Growth rate of 4 strains with or without 0.16% BLES. b: Growth rate of 4 strains with or without 0.25% SCCS.
BLES, bamboo leaf extract solution; CFU, colony forming unit; FN, Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC25586; PG, Porphyromonas gingivalis W83; PI, Prevotella intermidai TDC19B; PN, Prevotella nigrescence ATCC33563; SCCS, sodium copper chlorophyllin solution.