Table 1. Matrix of Global Distance Test (GDT) Results Showing % Similarity of the Unliganded GR Crystal Structure and CONCOORD Generated Structures Using a 1 Å Cutoff.
structure | unliganded GRa | CONCOORD 1 | CONCOORD 2 | CONCOORD 3 | CONCOORD 4 | CONCOORD 5 | CONCOORD 6 | CONCOORD 7 | CONCOORD 8 |
unliganded GRa | 100 | 28.15 | 29.577 | 20.079 | 17.667 | 26.427 | 19.193 | 16.683 | 23.228 |
CONCOORD 1 | 28.15 | 100 | 20.472 | 16.093 | 32.677 | 14.124 | 14.665 | 17.224 | 20.276 |
CONCOORD 2 | 29.577 | 20.471 | 100 | 23.278 | 21.555 | 28.593 | 11.86 | 10.433 | 22.195 |
CONCOORD 3 | 20.079 | 16.093 | 23.278 | 100 | 12.894 | 10.531 | 17.372 | 13.829 | 13.484 |
CONCOORD 4 | 17.667 | 32.677 | 21.555 | 12.894 | 100 | 17.52 | 8.563 | 14.075 | 16.978 |
CONCOORD 5 | 26.427 | 14.124 | 28.593 | 10.531 | 17.52 | 100 | 11.811 | 7.136 | 33.612 |
CONCOORD 6 | 19.193 | 14.665 | 11.86 | 17.372 | 8.563 | 11.811 | 100 | 14.764 | 10.974 |
CONCOORD 7 | 16.683 | 17.224 | 10.433 | 13.829 | 14.075 | 7.136 | 14.764 | 100 | 11.614 |
CONCOORD 8 | 23.228 | 20.276 | 22.195 | 13.484 | 16.978 | 33.612 | 10.974 | 11.614 | 100 |
The crystal structure (PDB 1ZUW)8 of GR bound to d-glutamate was used as the initial structure. d-Glutamate was deleted from the structure, and the unliganded GR form was subjected to a 20 ns MD simulation. The low energy structure from the production phase of the MD simulation was used as the seed structure for the CONCOORD method of structural sampling. The aggregate of the structures in Table 1 represent a crude model for the apo GR ensemble. YASARA’s CONCOORD utility was used to generate structures which sample the conformational space of the GR structure.21 A GDT using a 1 Å cutoff was then performed on a structural superpose of the ensemble of the unliganded GR crystal structure and the CONCOORD generated structures. The GDT assesses the quality of superpose of two structures within a defined distance, providing the percentage of superposed atoms (Method S10).