Figure 2.
New conditions used here for generating high-resolution structures of DNA-bound TDGcat. (A) Structure of the enzyme–product (E·P) complex generated by incubating TDGcat with DNA containing a G·U mispair, solved at 1.45 Å resolution (PDB ID: 4Z47). The target DNA strand is yellow, the complementary strand green, TDGcat is in light orange and water molecules are red spheres. The 2Fo-Fc omit map, contoured at 1.0 σ, is shown for the DNA and the Arg275 side chain of TDGcat. (B) DNA sequence used for the structures reported here (labeled ‘here’), and the sequence used for a structure of the E·P complex reported by Hashimoto et al. (25) (labeled ‘4FNC’). For both DNAs, ‘x’ represents the abasic site. (C) Interactions involving two Arg resides and a cavity on the TDGcat surface with the terminal G·C base pair of a symmetry-related DNA molecule. The DNA shown in cartoon format is that to which TDGcat is specifically bound (at the abasic site). (D) Close-up view of the symmetry-related DNA-TDGcat contacts shown in panel C.