Fig. 7.
Dox release upon HT treatment from TSL (a) and RGD-TSL (b) in B16Bl6 window chamber bearing mice. Mice were injected with 5 mg/kg Dox in DiD-labelled (purple) TSL or RGD-TSL. After 5 h of liposome circulation, a temperature of 42°C for 1 h was applied to trigger Dox release. Representative images were taken from the beginning of the HT treatment up to 1 h. (c). In vivo quantification of Dox released from RGD-TSL or TSL 1 h after HT treatment, presented as integrated density (IntDen), see materials and methods. (d). Dox uptake in endothelial cells (green) and tumor cells from RGD-TSL after 1 h of HT treatment. Scale bar applies for all images, 50 μm.