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. 2015 Sep 15;99(22):9395–9406. doi: 10.1007/s00253-015-6950-1

Table 2.

Detection and analysis reports of B. subtilis terpenoid pathway metabolites

Method Compound Characteristic Reference
GC-MS Isoprene Rt = 16.5 min, m/z 39, 53, 67 Kuzma et al. 1995
GC Isoprene Wagner et al. 1999
GC-MS (13C, 2H labeling) Isoprene Common substrate m/z 39, 53, 67;
Substrate: U-[13C6] glucose m/z 42, 57, 72; 1-[13C] pyruvate m/z 40, 54, 68; 2-[13C] pyruvate m/z 40, 55, 69; 3-[13C] pyruvate m/z 40, 54, 69.
Wagner et al. 2000
GC DMAPP Fisher et al. 2001
GC Isoprene Rt = 2.6 min Shirk et al. 2002
HPLC Acetoin Rt = 5.5 min, 354 nm
Kits Glucose
Kits Lactic, pyruvic acids
CIMS (M + H)+(H2O)n: Custer et al. 2003
Acetaldehyde m/z 63 (n = 1)
Acetoin m/z 89 (n = 0)
Acetone m/z 77 (n = 1)
2,3-Butanediol m/z 91 (n = 0)
Butanol m/z 111 (n = 2)
2-Butanone m/z 91 (n = 1)
Butyraldehyde m/z 91 (n = 1)
Butyl acetate m/z 135 (n = 1)
Diacetyl m/z 123 (n = 2)
Dimethyl sulfide m/z 63 (n = 0)
Ethanol m/z 83 (n = 2)
Ethyl acetate m/z 107 (n = 1)
Isoamyl alcohol m/z 107 (n = 1)
Isoprene m/z 69 (n = 0)
GC Isoprene Julsing et al. 2007
HPLC 4,4′-Diapolycopene Rt = 26.8 min, Absorption: 293, 443, 472, 501 nm Yoshida et al. 2009
4,4′-Diaponeurosporene Rt = 28.9 min, Absorption: 266, 415, 439, 469 nm
MALDI-TOF MS 4,4′-Diapolycopene m/z 399.9
4,4′-Diaponeurosporene m/z 401.9
GC-MS Isoprene Rt = 1.9 min Xue and Ahring 2011
HPLC Glycosyl 4,4′-diaponeurosporenoate Rt = 10.0 min, Absorption: 282, 469 nm Barredo 2012
4,4′-Diapolycopene Absorption: 293, 443, 472, 501 nm
4,4′-Diaponeurosporene Rt = 14.4 min, Absorption: 265, 414, 441, 469 nm
UPLC-MS DXP Rt = 5.6 min, m/z 213.0170 Tsuruta et al. 2009; Zhou et al. 2012; Zhou et al. 2013a
MEP Rt = 5.2 min, m/z 215.0330
CDP-ME Rt = 6.2 min, m/z 520.0730
CDP-MEP Rt = 7.3 min, m/z 600.0390
MEC Rt = 6.6 min, m/z 276.9884
HMBPP Rt = 7.0 min, m/z 260.9920
GC-MS Trans-Caryophyllene Rt = 3.4 min, m/z 189, 204
Amorpha-4,11-diene Rt = 3.5 min, m/z 189, 204
LC-Fourier transform MS (Untargeted metabolomics study) Cho et al. 2014